Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1741.02.02

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Index Entry Come my hearts with souls befitting [fl] 
Location New York 
2 Feb 1741:21 (374)
A SONG.  To the tune of "Hosier's Ghost".
Come my hearts with souls befitting
Let us never be dismay'd,
Let's revenge the wrongs of Britain,
And support our injur'd trade;
The true spirit of the nation
In our honest hearts we bring,
True tho' in an humble station
To our country and our King.
Spain no longer shall assume boys
The true ocean is their own,
For the time at last is come boys,
We'll her topsails lower down,
Tho' in politicks contesting 
Round to round they veer about,
All their shift`s and manifesting,
We will with our broad sides rout.
Hark the British cannon thunders,
See my hearts six ships appear,
Every Britain acting wonders,
Fills the southern world with fears,
Porto Bello fam'd in story,
Now at length submits to fate,
Vernon's courage gains us glory
But his mercy proves us great.
May all English hearts like you boys,
Prove on shoar true hearts of gold,
To their King and country true boys,
And be neither bought nor sold;
Let the land men without party
Act like brethren of the flood,
To one canse alone be hearty,
And be that for England's good.
Yet thro' all the mighty ocean,
The English cross shall honour find,
Far as wave can feel a motion,
Far as flagg can move with wind;
The insulting monarch shewing,
More regard shall humble be,
The sole truth of Britain knowing,
As their brave they will be free.

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1741.02.02 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0031477
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